Compact routers can be rebooted by command operation.

There are two types of reboots: software reboot, which stops the system, and hardware reboot, which does not stop the system.


To reboot the compact router, you must enter administrator mode.

Software reboot #

Software reboot after system shutdown.

Execution example #

An example of command execution is shown below.

amnimo$ enable                           ← 管理者モードに移行 
password:                                ← パスワード入力 
amnimo# reboot type soft 
Are you sure you want to restart? (y/n):y    ←「y」キーに続けてEnterを入力

  • To reboot the compact router, you must enter administrator mode.
  • To cancel execution of the command, type the “n” key followed by Enter.

Hardware reboot #

Without shutting down the system, power off the hardware and reboot.

Execution example #

An example of command execution is shown below.

amnimo$ enable                    ← 管理者モードに移行 
password:                         ← パスワード入力 
amnimo# reboot type hard
Are you sure you want to restart? (y/n):y      ←「y」キーに続けてEnterを入力

  • To reboot the compact router, you must enter administrator mode.
  • To cancel execution of the command, type the “n” key followed by Enter.
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