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Prepare camera setup file

In order to use the Cloud Video Recorder service, it is necessary to configure the settings to acquire video from the camera.
First, a camera configuration file (in JSON format) is created, which is imported into the IoT router, and then camera detection is performed on the cloud video recorder to complete the configuration.

This section describes the procedure for preparing the camera configuration file.

Obtains the camera configuration file.

Amnimo provides configuration files for IP cameras with proven connection records for each camera vendor and model. We also prepare configuration files for IP cameras that have not yet been connected to the network after evaluating the connection.
Please contact your Amnimo sales representative to obtain configuration files for IP cameras with a proven connection track record or to request the preparation of camera configuration files for IP cameras without a proven connection track record.

The Axis P1455-LE configuration file is attached for reference.

Reference] Axis’ P1455-LE configuration file

    "auto-detect": false,
    "cameras": [
            "id": "91d06b9b-3dea-76ac-02b9-7b721bf96384",
            "name": "axis P1455-LE",
            "user": "root",
            "password": "admin",
            "rtsp-url": "",
            "meta": {
                "port": "LAN1",
                "ipAddress": "",
                "deviceType": "OnvifCamera",
                "model": "axis P1455-LE",
                "manufacturer": "axis"
Overwrite the following items in the acquired configuration file according to the information on the actual IP camera.
  • user
  • password
  • IP address location in rtsp-url

Please make any necessary changes to items other than those listed above.


A template of the camera setup file is also attached for reference.
You can also enter the information of the IP camera you wish to connect yourself here.

  "auto-detect": false,
  "cameras": [
      "id": "ユニークなID GUIDを推奨【必須】",
      "name": "検出後にUI上に初期表示されるカメラ名【必須】",
      "user": "カメラのユーザ名【必須】",
      "password": "カメラのパスワード【必須】",
      "rtsp-url": "カメラのRTSP URL(IPアドレス以降はおおよそカメラメーカごとに決まったパスが多い)【必須】", 
      "meta": {
        "port": "LAN1",
        "ipAddress": "IPアドレス。UIのカメラ設定画面での表示用。【任意】",
        "deviceType": "OnvifCamera",
        "model": "機種名。UIのカメラ設定画面での表示用。【任意】",
        "firmwareVersion": "ファームウェアバージョン。UIのカメラ設定画面での表示用。【任意】",
        "serial": "シリアル番号。UIのカメラ設定画面での表示用。【任意】",
        "hardwareId": "ハードウェアID。UIのカメラ設定画面での表示用。【任意】",
        "manufacturer": "メーカー名。UIのカメラ設定画面での表示用。【任意】"

Parameters marked as [optional] above will work without any problem even if they are not listed in the camera settings file.


name is the camera name initially displayed on the Cloud Video Recorder screen when a camera is detected.
Therefore, even if the name is changed after camera detection and the configuration file is imported into the IoT router, the camera name on the Cloud Video Recorder screen will not be changed.
On the flip side, changing the camera name on the Cloud Video Recorder screen will not overwrite the configuration file imported into the router.

If you want to change the camera name on the Cloud Video Recorder after camera detection, see the following
⇒Cloud Video Recorder Manual > Camera Settings and Operation “Changing the Camera Display Name”.

  • If the imported configuration file has the same id as a camera already detected on the Cloud Video Recorder, it will be recognized as the same camera. In this case, the information in the configuration file will be overwritten except for “name”. On the other hand, if the id is different, the camera is treated as a different camera and a new camera is detected.
  • The id must be unique within the same router, but the same id can be used for different routers.
  • The following characters cannot be used for the id
    “(double quotation marks)”, “\(backslash)”, “/(slash)”, “”(double quotation marks)”, “\(backslash)”, “/(slash)”.

The items set in the camera settings file can be viewed in the camera settings screen of the Cloud Video Recorder.
⇒Cloud Video Recorder Manual > Camera Settings and Operation “Checking Detailed Camera Information”.

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