Manipulate images when an event occurs

Playback video at the time of the event #

  1. Select the camera for which you want to play back the video at the time the event occurred, then select the event from the timeline.

  2. The video at the time of the event is played back.

Obtain a snapshot from the video when the event occurs #

  1. Select the camera for which you want to take a snapshot from the video at the time the event occurred and select the event from the timeline.

  2. When the video of the event is played, click on the camera icon ( ).

  3. The acquired snapshots can be viewed on the Cloud Storage Video/Image page.
    The Cloud Storage Video/Image page can be accessed from the menu.

Download the video of the event when it occurs. #

  1. Select the camera for which you want to download the video at the time the event occurred, then select the event from the timeline.

  2. Once the video of the event is played back, click the download icon ( ) to save it to your local PC.

Go to the event list screen #

  1. Select the camera for which you want to download the video at the time the event occurred, then select the event from the timeline.

  2. When the video of the event is played, click on the date and time of the event in the upper left corner of the playback screen.

  3. The screen will move to the Event List screen, displaying information about the event that was being played.
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