Event notification icon and notification sound


If no event notification settings have been made, the event notification icon will not be displayed.

  1. When an event occurs, the number of detected events is displayed on the event notification icon ( ) in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. When ” Automatically display events ” is set in the event notification settings, the [ Suppress automatic display of events ] setting will appear when you mouse over the event notification icon.
    When the toggle is set to ON, the current browser will not automatically go to the event notification page.

  3. Clicking on the event notification icon ( ) will display the event notification page as shown below. Detected events are automatically played back, and clicking on the image toggles between pause and playback.

  4. If you have set ” Sound Notification “, the notification will continue to sound until you stop the sound. Click the icon to stop the sound.

  5. After reviewing the events, close the screen by clicking in the upper right corner to return to the Event List screen.

  • イベントを検出していない場合は、 をクリックしても、イベント通知画面は開きません。

  • イベント通知画面では、最新 20 件のイベントがリスト表示されます。イベントが 1 件の場合はリストは表示されません。

  • ステータスを変更した後は、 をクリックしても、イベント通知画面は開きません。
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