Revision History

version numberdate of issueRevision details
first editionApril 1, 2021First Edition
2nd ed.September 10, 2021Due to additional functions and specification changes with the release of firmware V 1.3.0.
Addition of [Operational Information]-[Interface
Addition of [Operational Information]-[Routing
Addition of [Operational Information]-[Mobile Communications
Add [Operational Information]-[Storage] [Operational Information]-[ [PoE]
Add [Advanced]-[PPP(PPPoE) Settings
Add [Advanced]-[Interface Settings
Add [Advanced]-[Static Routing Settings
Add [Advanced]-[Filter Settings
Advanced]-Add [NAT設定]
Advanced]-Add [DNS設定]
Add [Advanced]-[DHCP Settings
Add [Advanced]-[Storage Settings
Advanced]-Add [PoE設定]
Advanced]-Add [CPU動作設定]
Advanced]-Add [DMS設定]
Advanced]-Add [Nx Witness設定]
3rd ed.October 18, 2021Due to additional functionality with the release of firmware V 1.4.0.
Outdoor type edge gateways and outdoor type IoT routers were added as target devices.
4th ed.May 1, 2022Due to additional functionality with the release of firmware V 1.5.0.
Add [operational information]- [DHCPリース状況]
Addition of [Operational Information]-[Contact Change History
5th ed.July 1, 2022Due to additional functionality with the release of firmware V 1.6.0.
Add to items related to compact routers
6th ed.October 1, 2022To add functionality with the release of firmware V 1.7.0 for compact routers.
Add [operational information]- [IPsec]
Advanced]-Add [IPsec設定]
Advanced]-Add [DHCPリレー設定]
Advanced]-Add [remote .it設定]
7th ed.November 28, 2022To add functionality with the release of firmware V 1.8.0 for compact routers.
Add [Advanced]-[Group Settings
Add [Advanced]-[Proxy Server Settings
8th ed.January 2023To add functionality with the release of firmware V 1.8.2 for edge gateways and IoT routers.
9th ed.June 14, 2023To add functionality with the release of firmware V 1.10.0 for compact routers.
Compact router with indoor wireless LAN added as a target device.
10th ed.June 30, 2023To add functionality with the release of firmware V 1.11.0 for the compact router (AC10).
Added reboot mode selection to schedule settings
11th ed.September 1, 2023To add functionality with the release of firmware V 1.12.0 for compact routers.
Compact router with wireless LAN (outdoor type) was added as a target device.
12th ed.September 29, 2023Updated firmware version to the latest version with amnimo C series firmware V1.13.0 release and amnimo G/R series firmware V1.9.7.
13th ed.October 24, 2023Updated the firmware version to the latest one along with amnimo G/R series firmware V1.9.8.
14th ed.November 16, 2023Due to change of notation and functions by release of amnimo G series firmware V2.1.0.
Changed description of NTP synchronization in time setting (manual setting)
Changed to allow multiple ping destinations in Schedule Settings – Keep Alive Settings.
15th ed.January 24, 2024Due to change in notation and functionality with the release of AC15/AC25 firmware V2.3.0.
Added communication duration to mobile communication screen.
Changed to display mobile FW version on device information screen
Changed description of NTP synchronization in time setting (manual setting)
Changed the method of setting the destination in the Add/Edit Keep-Alive Settings and Edit Schedules screens.
The IP address setting method in the Add/Edit Interface Settings screen (br0, lan0, lan1, wlan0, wlan1) has been changed.
16th ed.February 1, 2024Due to change of firmware download URL by AC15/AC25 firmware V2.3.0 release.
17th ed.February 19, 2024Added AI Edge Gateway as a target device.
18th ed.March 27, 2024AG/AX/AR firmware V2.4.2 release to add functionality.
Added user-defined tabs to schedule settings
19th ed.April 17, 2024AC10/AC15/AC25 Due to change in notation and functionality with the release of firmware V2.5.0.
When the configuration file has not yet been saved, a message indicating this fact is displayed.
Added download of amnemo diagnostic information
Added AC10 as a target device for PPP (PPPoE) configuration.
Added PPP line connect and PPP line disconnect as actions in AC10 schedule settings
Added wireless LAN reset, source interface, and retry as setting items for schedule.
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