Check operational information

You can check the logs and time stored in the product.

Check the status of the interface #

interface status.

On the side menu, click Operational Information – Interfaces.

[The Interface screen appears.

To update the interface settings displayed on the screen with the latest information, click the “Update to Latest” button.

Check routing table information #


The “Type” information is not displayed for AI Edge Gateway (amnimo X series), Edge Gateway (amnimo G series) and IoT Router (amnimo R series).

You can check the routing table information (route information referenced during the routing process).

Click Operational Information – Routing in the side menu.

[The Routing screen appears.

To refresh the routing table information displayed on the screen, click the Refresh button.

Check the communication status of your mobile line #


Devices without communication modules do not have this function.

Check the communication status of the mobile line.

On the side menu, click Operational Information – Mobile Communications.

The “Mobile Communications” screen will appear (see example below).
If the mobile connection is unconnected, a screen will appear informing you of the [unconnected status].

To update the communication status displayed on the screen with the latest information, click the [Update to Latest Information] button.

Check wireless LAN information #


AI Edge Gateway (amnimo X series), Edge Gateway (amnimo G series), IoT Router (amnimo R series) and Compact Router Indoor Type (AC10) do not have this function.

Check wireless LAN information

Wireless LAN information and details.

On the side menu, click Operational Information – Wireless LAN.

The “Wireless LAN” screen will appear (see example below).


When operating in “Access Point Mode,” the stations connected to the device are displayed at the bottom of the screen as a “List of Connected Stations. When operating in “Station Mode,” the “Access Point List” at the bottom of the screen shows the access points to which this device can be connected.

To refresh the information displayed on the screen, click the [ Refresh ] button.
To view detailed information about the wireless LAN, click on “More Information” on the right side of each interface.
The “Wireless LAN Details” screen appears, allowing you to check detailed information (interface name, mode, status, wireless channel, SSID, BSSID, number of connected stations) and packet counter.
You can disconnect from a station connected to the compact router by clicking Disconnect in the list of connected stations.

This function is available when operating in “access point mode.

Click [Connect] in the Access Point List to switch the connection to another access point that has already been set.


This function is available when operating in “station mode.

  • WPS can be used to connect a compact router equipped with a wireless LAN when it is operating in “Access Point Mode”. It cannot be used to connect to other access points in “Station Mode”.
  • When using the “PIN code method,” the PIN code generated by the station to be connected must be entered.

Running WPS

On the Wireless LAN screen, click the WPS tab.

The “WPS” screen appears.

Select the setting method.

Select from push button method or PIN code method.

Enter the standby time and click “Run.

Check IPsec connection status #


IPsec settings must be configured in advance. See “Configuring IPsec Settings” for details on how to set up.

Check IPsec connection status and detailed information.

Click [Operational Information] – [IPsec] on the side menu.

The “IPsec” screen will appear (see example below).

To refresh the information displayed on the screen, click the “Refresh” button.
By switching tabs in the detailed information, you can check the status, XFRM state, and policies.

Check DHCP lease status #


DHCP server configuration on the relevant interface is required to use this feature. See ” Configuring DNS Settings ” for details on how to set up.

Check the status of IP addresses leased from the interface with DHCP server settings.

Click [Operational Information] – [DHCP Leases] on the side menu.

The “DHCP Leasing” screen will appear (see example below).


For compact routers, “manufacturer” is not displayed.

To update the DHCP lease status displayed on the screen to the latest information, click the Refresh button.

Check storage configuration status #


IoT routers (amnimo R series) and compact routers (amnimo C series) do not have this feature.

This section describes operations such as displaying storage usage and mounting/unmounting storage.

Click on [Operational Information] – [Storage] in the side menu.

The Storage screen appears.

To update the storage settings shown on the screen to the latest information, click the “Update to Latest Information” button.

Adding partitions

On the “Storage” screen, click the “Add New” button.

The “Create Partition” screen appears.

Create partitions.

Linux…This is the standard Linux partition type. It is set by default.
fat32・・・・FAT32 (LBA) partition type.

A partition is added.

Format partitions

On the “Storage” screen, click […] to the right of the partition you wish to format and select “Advanced” from the operations menu that appears.

The partition details screen appears.

[Click the Format button.
The “Format” screen will appear. Select the file system type and click the “Confirm” button.

[If you check [Encryption], you must specify 256 or 512 as the key length (bit) to be used for encryption. Continue to set the password and click the [Confirm] button.

The “Confirmation” screen appears. [Click the “Execute” button.


Mount partitions

On the “Storage” screen, click […] to the right of the partition and select “Mount” from the menu of operations that appears.

[You can also select “Mount” from the Details screen.

[The “Mount” screen appears.
The “Confirmation” screen appears. [Click the “Execute” button.

Unmount partitions

On the “Storage” screen, click […] to the right of the partition and select “Unmount” from the menu of operations that appears.

[You can also select “Unmount” from the Details screen.

The “Confirmation” screen appears. [Click the “Execute” button.

Delete partitions

On the “Storage” screen, click […] to the right of the deleted partition and select “Advanced” from the operations menu that appears.

The partition details screen appears.

[Click the Delete button.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

[Click the Delete button.

The partition will be deleted.


Check PoE status #


IoT Router Indoor Type (AR10), Compact Router Indoor Type (AC10), and Compact Router Indoor Type with Wireless LAN (AC15) do not have this feature.
The interface displayed is as follows

  • AI Edge Gateway: lan0 to lan3
  • Edge gateway: lan0 to lan3
  • IoT Router Outdoor Type (AR20): eth0, eth1
  • Compact router outdoor type with wireless LAN (AC25): lan1

You can check the status of the PoE.

Click on [Operational Information] – [PoE] in the side menu.
To update the PoE settings shown on the screen to the latest information, click the Update to Latest button.


Reset PoE

On the “PoE” screen, click the “Reset” button on the right side of the menu for each interface.

The “PoE Port Reset” screen appears.

Select a time for the reset and click the Confirm button.
The “Confirmation” screen appears. [Click the “Reset” button.

Resetting PoEs can also be performed in batches by selecting multiple PoEs from the “PoE” screen.

Check contact change history #


IoT routers (amnimo R series) and compact routers (amnimo C series) do not have this feature.

Displays the contact change history at the D-IN/D-OUT terminals on the rear of the terminal.

Click [Operational Information] – [Contact Change History] on the side menu.

The “Contact Change History” screen appears.

Clicking the “Keep contact change history” toggle and enabling it will display the contact change history in the “Latest change history” field (the maximum number of histories displayed is the latest 1000).

The history for the disabled period will not be displayed and cannot be downloaded.

To update the contact change history displayed on the screen to the latest information, click the [Update to Latest Information] button.


Download contact change history

On the “Contact Change History” screen, specify the start and end dates and times of the period to be downloaded.
Click the “Download” button to download the CSV file.


Up to 100,000 histories can be downloaded.

SYSLOG display operation. #

This section describes how to search for and download SYSLOG and update SYSLOG with the latest information.

Click [Operational Information] – [SYSLOG] on the side menu.

The “SYSLOG” screen appears.

To view the most recent SYSLOG, scroll to the bottom of the screen.
To search SYSLOG, enter keywords in the search field and click the Search button.

Search keywords are highlighted and displayed.

To download SYSLOG, click the Download button.

SYSLOG will be downloaded.

To update the SYSLOG displayed on the screen to the latest information, click the “Update to the latest information” button.


AMLOG display operation. #


Compact routers (amnimo C series) do not have this feature.

Check AMLOG, AMNIMO’s log, for instructions on finding and downloading AMLOG and keeping AMLOG up-to-date.

Click on [Operational Information] – [AMLOG] in the side menu.

The “AMLOG” screen appears.

To view the most recent AMLOG, scroll to the bottom of the screen.
To search AMLOG, enter keywords in the search field and click the Search button.

Search keywords are highlighted and displayed.

To download AMLOG, click the Download button.

AMLOG will be downloaded.

To update the AMLOG displayed on the screen to the latest information, click the “Update to the latest information” button.


Check the time on the product #

Click on [Operational Information] – [Time Display] in the side menu.

The “Time Display” screen appears, displaying the time of the product in real time.


Clicking on “Click here for settings” will display the “Time Settings” screen. See “Setting the Time” for details on how to set the time.

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