Restart or stop the product

In addition to shutdown, the product offers two reboot menus: software reboot, which stops the system, and hardware reboot, which does not stop the system.

  • Shutdown
    Shut down the hardware power supply.
  • Software reboot
    Restart the system after shutting it down.
  • Hardware reboot
    Turns off and restarts the hardware power supply without shutting down the system.

Restart the product #

Restart the product.

Click Restart/Stop on the side menu.

The “Restart/Stop” screen appears.

Check “Software reboot” or “Hardware reboot” as the reboot method and click “Run”.

A “confirmation” screen for restart will appear.

Click the [ Execute ] button.

A restart of the product is initiated.
Rebooting takes a few minutes.
After the restart is complete, the “Sign In” screen will appear.

Shut down the product #

Shut down the product.

Click Restart/Stop on the side menu.

The “Restart/Stop” screen appears.

To stop, check Shutdown and click Execute.

A shutdown “confirmation” screen will appear.

Click the [ Execute ] button.

Shutdown of the product is initiated.


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