Sign in / Sign out

The procedure for signing in to the product differs for the first time and for the second and subsequent times.

Sign in the first time #

If you are signing in for the first time, sign in after setting the admin password.

Start a browser and access the URL of the GUI configuration screen of the product.
The “Password Registration” screen will appear.

Enter the password you wish to set for admin in the “Password” and “Password (Confirm)” fields, and click the “Register” button.

The password must be a string of characters that meets the following criteria

  • 8 characters or more
  • Contains two or more uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers, or symbols
    In addition, even if a password satisfies the above conditions, it cannot be set if any of the following conditions apply
  • Words in the dictionary (e.g., test)
  • Words with regularity, such as number or alphabet keyboard sequences (e.g., 1234, abcde, qwert)
  • Combination of the above (e.g., test1234)

The admin password will be set and the “Sign In” screen will appear.

Enter “admin” in “User Name” and the password you set in step 2 in “Password”, and click the “Sign In” button.

After signing in to the product, the following logo screen will appear.

Sign in for the second time or later #

To sign in a second time or later, enter the password you set the first time.

Start a browser and access the URL of the GUI configuration screen of the product.
The “Sign In” screen will appear.

Enter your user name and password, then click the Sign In button.

After signing in to the product, the following logo screen will appear.

Sign out #

Sign out of the GUI setup screen of this product.

Click the account name displayed in the upper right corner of the screen and select Sign Out.

A “confirmation” screen for signing out will appear.

[Click the Sign Out button.

Sign out of the GUI settings screen and the “Sign In” screen will appear.

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