Type of VMS

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Amnimo uses two types of Video Management System (VMS) as management tools for network cameras.

  • Nx Witness (Network Optix, Inc. )
  • amnimo VMS (amnimo)

Nx Witness #

Nx Witness is a VMS consisting of four main components

  • Media Server
  • desktop client
  • Mobile Clients
  • cloud

A media server is pre-installed in the Edge Gateway. The media server can retrieve video from cameras and configure cameras.

With a simple configuration, the media server can be accessed from a desktop client or other device to view camera images and video recordings. The client can also manage the server and cameras.

Amnimo’s integrated video management system can remotely integrate and manage camera footage and video recordings from multiple distributed media servers.

amnimo VMS #

amnimo VMS is a proprietary VMS developed by amnimo for viewing camera footage and video recordings through amnimo’s integrated video management system.

The amnimo VMS server is pre-installed and can be used by enabling amnimo VMS in the Edge Gateway configuration. This server can retrieve images from cameras and record them to the edge gateway.

Amnimo’s integrated video management system allows integrated management of cameras connected to multiple distributed amnimo VMS servers, as well as viewing and retrieving camera footage and video recordings.

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