Device Profile Operations

The device profile specifies the firmware image and configuration files to be downloaded to the device.

This function is used when performing ” automatic kitting function ” ordevice replacement function.

This section describes the procedure for creating and editing device profiles.

Creating a device profile requires a firmware file and a configuration file.
Beforehand Storage Explorer to upload the files respectively.

Create device profiles #

  1. From the Device Profiles page, click Create New Device Profile.

  2. Create a profile. After completing each field, click Confirm.

    Setting DescriptionDevice Profile Name Enter any name. Device Type Select the device type. User Name, Password Enter the login information for the Admin user of Nx Witness.
    *If you do not use the integrated video management system or if you use amnimo VMS, you do not need to enter a user name and password. Firmware File Select the firmware image file uploaded to the Storage Explorer. Configuration File Select the configuration file you uploaded to Storage Explorer.
  3. Device profile creation is complete.

Edit device profile #

Learn how to edit device profiles.

Note that if a device profile has already been assigned to a device, the device profile cannot be edited.

  1. Click the edit icon for the device profile to be edited.
  2. Edit the content and click Confirm to complete editing the device profile.

Delete a device profile #

Learn how to delete device profiles.

Note that if a device profile has already been assigned to a device, the device profile cannot be deleted.

  1. Click the delete icon for the device profile to be deleted.

  2. [Click Confirm to delete the device profile.

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