
This manual describes how to operate the device management system, among other things.

Device Management System Features #

A device management system is software that remotely manages and monitors devices such as edge gateways and routers installed at multiple locations.

Life and Death Monitoring Function #

  • The device management system monitors the device’s connection to the amnimo IoT cloud system and notifies the device management system when the connection is lost. (The device management system monitors the device’s connection to the amnimo IoT cloud system and notifies the device management system when the connection is lost (it can take up to 15 minutes for the device management system to notify you when the connection is lost). ) This allows you to remotely monitor whether the device is working or not.
  • The device checks the communication status with the device management system using the Keep Alive function and automatically repeats the reconnection process if communication is lost. If communication is not restored even after the reconnection process, the device is rebooted.

Firmware update function #

  • The device management system can remotely update firmware for up to 50 devices simultaneously.

Syslog acquisition function #

  • Device management systems can remotely retrieve Syslog from devices in the form of a zip file; Syslog is a mechanism by which devices store their operating history and messages from the system as files.
  • If an anomaly occurs on a device, it can be remotely retrieved for quick anomaly analysis, retrieve the Syslog, and contact support.

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