3. register authentication information

Once the device setup is complete, register the Nx Witness credentials with the device management system.

This is a necessary step when monitoring video from cameras connected to the edge gateway with an integrated video management system.


Customers who do not use the integrated video management system, use amnimo VMS, or use the AR or AC series do not need to register their credentials. Please proceed to ” Activate the device “.

The ” credentials ” in this section refers to the password for the Admin of Nx Witness. By registering this, you will be able to monitor camera images in the integrated video management system.

Certification Information Registration Procedure #

  1. [Open the Dashboard or Device List, find and click on the name of the device of interest.

  2. [From the VMS Linkage button, click Authentication Information.

  3. Enter the login information for the Admin user of Nx Witness and click Save to complete the registration of credentials.

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