list of authorities

There are two types of users for the device management system

  • application administrator
  • engineer

Application administrators have access to all devices, including sub-tenants. Engineers have access only to the devices of the tenant to which they belong. (Access to sub-tenants is not allowed)

The respective permissions are shown in the table below.

categoryFeatureapplication administratorengineer
User Management –0 (read, update, invite)△ (read only)
device list Dashboard Viewingperiodperiod
search (e.g. for someone using a search engine)periodperiod
device list repairperiodperiod
Device Settings Name / Comment0 (read/edit)0 (read/edit)
Configuration File Operationperiodperiod
Firmware updateperiodperiod
connection equipment Name0 (read/edit)0 (read/edit)
ON / OFF / Resetperiodperiod
Syslog acquisitionperiodperiod Various settingsperiodperiod
Storage Explorer browsing (e.g. when selecting a file to upload on a computer)periodperiod
search (e.g. for someone using a search engine)periodperiod
file deletionperiodperiod
log browsing (e.g. when selecting a file to upload on a computer)periodperiod
Exporting Historyperiodperiod
Firmware Update Tasks Creating Tasksperiodperiod
Edit Tasksperiodperiod
Browse Tasksperiodperiod
Deleting Tasksperiodperiod
Cancel Taskperiodperiod
Alert Notification Create new alert notification settingsperiodperiod
Edit Alert Notification Settingsperiodperiod
Delete alert notification settingsperiodperiod
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