Configure storage settings

If you are using an edge gateway with SSD storage, you will need to configure the storage. This step describes the procedure to mount and make the storage available.


You must be signed in as an administrator to use this feature.


Click [Advanced Settings/Controls] – [Storage Settings] on the side menu.

The “Storage Settings” screen displays a list of storage settings registered with the product.


By clicking on tabs such as “Partition” or “File System” in the storage settings list, you can sort the storage settings list in descending/ascending order for each item.

[Click Add New.

The “Add Storage Configuration” screen will appear.

Storage Settings.

In this document, the settings are as follows Partition “sda1” Mount point “/media/ssd” File system “ext4″ For detailed settings, see ” Configuring Storage Settings ” in the Edge Gateway Series GUI User’s Manual.

[Click Settings.

Storage settings will be added.

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