Check device details

The Details tab provides detailed information about the device.

The ICCID, IMSI, and MSISDN may be blank in the SIM information used for mobile communications.

In this case, follow the procedure described in “CLI User’s Manual” – “5.2.3 Updating SIM Information to obtain the information, and then click the [Update] button to display the latest information.

For [Mobile Communications] > [Signal Strength]: “RSRP” is displayed when the RAT is 4G, and “RSCP” when the RAT is 3G.

Find out more about wireless LAN #

The Details tab allows you to view the device’s wireless LAN connection information.


Wireless LAN connection information is only displayed on the Details tab for the AC15

無線LAN のインターフェース名をクリックします。
無線LAN詳細情報が表示されます。無線LAN詳細情報画面の [更新] をクリックすると、最新の情報を確認することができます。

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