PoE/USB start/stop/reset


When using the outdoor version of the router AR20, this operation can be used with ETH0 and ETH1.


While the power supply function of one terminal is being turned on/off/reset, it is possible to control the power supply function by clicking each button on another terminal.

ON: Enables the power feed function.
OFF: Disables the power feed function.
Reset (*): Disables the power feed function for a specified time (reset time) and automatically enables it after the specified time elapses.

*The reset time can be set as follows.
LAN port: 1 second to 60 minutes (default setting: 1 minute)
USB port: 1 second to 60 minutes (default setting: 10 seconds)
When a reset is performed, the reset start time and reset time are displayed. (see figure below)

確認画面が表示されるので、[ 電源ON ] または  [ 電源OFF ] をクリックします。リセットの場合は、待ち時間を指定して [ リセット ] をクリックします。
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