Remotely reboot the device

Device management systems can remotely reboot devices.

Reboot Type #

There are two types of reboots

  • Software Reboot: Successfully stop the device’s system and then start the device.
  • Hardware Reboot: Forces the hardware to stop supplying power while the device is running, then starts the device up.

If the device needs to be rebooted, first perform a software reb oot. Only if the anomaly is not corrected by performing a software reboot should a hardware reboot be performed. Executing a hardware restart may corrupt the file system. Please be very careful when executing it!

Software Restart #

  1. Click on the device name.

  2. [Click Restart.

  3. [Select Software Restart and click Confirm.

  4. [Click Restart to reboot.

Hardware reboot #

  1. Click on the device name.

  2. [Click Restart.

  3. [Select Hardware Reboot and click Confirm.

  4. Review the notes, check the agreement, and click Restart to reboot.

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