Retrieve video clips

Direct connection allows you to take video snapshots and video clips.
A video clip is a video clip that is a portion of a video clip that has been cut out and saved.

  1. Select the camera from which you want to retrieve the video clip and click on the video clip icon.

  2. Select a date and time on the timeline bar or click Acquisition Date and Time to select a date and time from the calendar. After entering any name for the video clip, click Acquire.

    Click on the timeline to select a date and time Select a date and time from the calendar

    When an incorrect time is selected, the selected area on the timeline is displayed in red.
  3. When the cursor is moved over the time period selected for acquiring video clips (indicated by the dashed line) on the timeline bar, the message “acquiring” will appear.

  4. After the acquisition of a video clip is complete, click on the time period (indicated in blue) where the video clip was acquired on the timeline bar to play the acquired video clip.

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