Configure interface settings

Configure the interface settings for this product.

Display a list of interface settings #

Displays a list of interface settings.

Click [Advanced Settings/Controls] – [Interface Settings] on the side menu.

The “Interface Settings” screen displays a list of registered interface settings.


By clicking tabs such as “Interface” and “Enable/Disable” in the interface settings list, you can sort the interface settings in descending/ascending order for each item.

Adding Interfaces #

Add interface settings.

On the “Interface Settings” screen, click the “Add New” button.

The “Add Interface” screen will appear.

Select an interface.

The setting items vary depending on the selected interface.

Adding eth0

This is how to configure the settings when the eth0 interface is selected.


For AI edge gateways, this section should operate on wan0, not eth0.


Set each item.

Click the toggle to switch between “Enable” and “Disable”.

❷ If DHCP (IPv4) is checked, select the DNS priority and ROUTE metric.
The DNS priority is set in the range of 0 to 99. The default value is 30.
The ROUTE metric is set in the range 0-255. The default value is 30.

❸ If Fixed (IPv4) is checked, specify the IP address, prefix length, and GATEWAY.

For firmware version v2.1.0 or later, the display will show “IP Address” and there will be no check box. if you enter an IP address (you can set more than one by clicking the “Add” button), set the prefix length. if you check GATEWAY, Set the IP address to be the default gateway.

❹ If dynamic SNAT is checked, select MTU and link mode.

MTU is set in the range of 576 to 9676. Default value is 1500.

❺ Enable PROXY-ARP if necessary.

❻ If necessary, enable the interface startup wait disable function during equipment startup (compact routers (amnimo C series) do not have this function).

After completing the settings, click on “Settings”.

Add br0

This is how to set up the br0 interface when it is selected.

Set each item.

Click the toggle to switch between “Enable” and “Disable”.

❷ You can add an interface to be bridged using the Add New button in the Bridge Settings list.
To add, select an interface and click Settings.

❸ If DHCP (IPv4) is checked, select the DNS priority and ROUTE metric.
The DNS priority is set in the range of 0 to 99. The default value is 30.
The ROUTE metric is set in the range 0-255. The default value is 30.

❹ If Fixed (IPv4) is checked, specify IP address, prefix length, and GATEWAY.
*For firmware version v2.1.0 or later, “IP Address” is displayed and there is no check box. if you enter an IP address (multiple settings are possible by clicking the “Add” button), set the prefix length. if GATEWAY is checked, Set the IP address to be the default gateway.

❺ If dynamic SNAT is checked, select MTU.
MTU is set in the range of 576 to 9676. Default value is 1500.

❺ Enable PROXY-ARP if necessary.

❻ If necessary, enable the interface startup wait disable function at equipment startup.
*Only appears on Edge Gateway (amnimo G series) and IoT Router (amnimo R series) with firmware v1.X.X.

After completing the settings, click on “Settings”.

Addition of lan0 to lan3

This is how to configure the settings when lan0 to lan3 interfaces are selected.

Set each item.

Click the toggle to switch between “Enable” and “Disable”.

❷ If DHCP (IPv4) is checked, select the DNS priority and ROUTE metric.
The DNS priority is set in the range of 0 to 99. The default value is 30.
The ROUTE metric is set in the range 0-255. The default value is 30.
*Displayed only for compact routers with wireless LAN (AC15 and AC25).

❸ Enter the IP address (multiple settings are possible by clicking the “Add” button) and set the prefix length.
*Displayed only for compact routers with wireless LAN (AC15 and AC25).

❹ If GATEWAY is checked, set the IP address that will be the default gateway.
*Displayed only for compact routers with wireless LAN (AC15 and AC25).

❺ If dynamic SNAT is checked, select MTU.
MTU is set in the range of 576 to 9676. Default value is 1500.
*Displayed only on compact routers with wireless LAN (AC15 and AC25).

❻ Select the link mode.

❼ Enable PROXY-ARP if necessary.
*Displayed only on compact routers with wireless LAN (AC15 and AC25).

After completing the settings, click on “Settings”.

Add ecm0 / rmnet_data0

This is how to set up the ecm0 interface when it is selected.
If you are using a compact router, replace ecm0 with rmnet_data0.

Set each item.

Click the toggle to switch between “Enable” and “Disable”.

❷ Select the mobile line name.
[You can select the name of the mobile line set in [Advanced Settings/Control] – [Mobile Communication Settings].

❸ If DHCP (IPv4) is checked, select the DNS priority and ROUTE metric.
The DNS priority is set in the range of 0 to 99. The default value is 30.
The ROUTE metric is set in the range 0-255. The default value is 30.

❹ If dynamic SNAT is checked, select MTU.
MTU is set in the range of 576 to 9676. Default value is 1500.

❺ Enable PROXY-ARP if necessary.

❻ If necessary, enable the interface startup wait disable function at equipment startup.
*Only appears on Edge Gateway (amnimo G series) and IoT Router (amnimo R series) with firmware v1.X.X.

After completing the settings, click on “Settings”.

Addition of ppp0

This is how to set up the ppp0 interface when it is selected.

Set each item.

Click the toggle to switch between “Enable” and “Disable”.

Select the name of the ppp line.
[The ppp line name set in [Advanced Settings/Control]-[PPP (PPPoE) Settings] can be selected.

❸ If PPPoE (Ipv4) is checked, select the DNS priority and ROUTE metric.
The DNS priority is set in the range of 0 to 99. The default value is 20.
The ROUTE metric is set in the range 0-255. The default value is 20.

❹ If dynamic SNAT is checked, select MTU.
MTU is set in the range of 576 to 9676. The default value is 1454.

❺ Enable PROXY-ARP if necessary.

❻ If necessary, enable the interface startup wait disable function at equipment startup.

After completing the settings, click on “Settings”.

Addition of wlan0 to wlan1

This is how to set the wlan0 to wlan1 interface when selected.

Set each item.

Click the toggle to switch between “Enable” and “Disable”.

Select the mode.


When access point mode is selected, be sure to correspond the interface and SSID as follows

  • wlan0: amnimo-2G-xxxxxxxx
  • wlan1: amnimo-5G-xxxxxxxx

Station mode is available only on interface “wlan0”.

❸ Enter the IP address (multiple settings are possible by clicking the “Add” button) and set the prefix length.

❹ If GATEWAY is checked, set the IP address that will be the default gateway.

❺ If dynamic SNAT is checked, select MTU.
MTU is set in the range of 576 to 9676. Default value is 1500.

❺ Enable PROXY-ARP if necessary.

After completing the settings, click on “Settings”.

Editing the Interface #

Edit the registered interface settings.

On the “Interface Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the interface setting you wish to edit and select “Edit” from the operation menu that appears.

The “Edit Interface Settings” screen appears.

Edit the interface settings and click the Set button.

Information on interface settings is updated.
Since the IP address will be changed, please access the new URL after the setup is complete.

Delete interface #

To delete registered interfaces, you can either delete them individually from the interface operation menu, or you can delete them after selecting all the interfaces you wish to delete.

Delete individual interfaces

This method is to select Delete from the operation menu of the interface.

On the “Interface Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the interface you wish to delete and select “Delete” from the operation menu that appears.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

[Click the Delete button.

interface will be removed.

Selecting and deleting multiple interfaces

This method is used to check the interfaces to be deleted before deleting them. This is useful when deleting multiple interfaces at once. You can also select a single interface to delete.

On the “Interface Settings” screen, click the checkbox to the left of the interface you wish to delete, place a checkmark in the checkbox, and click the “Delete” button.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

[Click the Delete button.

The selected interface is deleted.

Configure static routing settings. #

Configure static routing settings for this product.

Display a list of static routing settings #

Displays a list of static routing settings.

Click [Advanced Configuration and Control] – [Static Routing Settings] in the side menu.

A list of registered static routing settings is displayed on the “Static Routing Settings” screen.


By clicking tabs such as “Routing Name” and “Destination Network Address” in the static routing settings list, you can sort the static routing settings in descending/ascending order for each item.

Add static routing configuration #

Add static routing configuration.

On the “Static Routing Configuration” screen, click the “Add New” button.

The “Add Static Routing Configuration” screen appears.

Enter the items required for static routing configuration.

❶ Enter a routing name.

❷ Specify the destination network address and prefix length.

❸ Specify the gateway address.

❹ Select the interface.

❺ Set the metric.

After completing the settings, click on “Settings”.

Static routing configuration is added.

Edit static routing configuration #

Edit the registered static routing settings.

On the “Static Routing Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the static routing setting you wish to edit and select “Edit” from the operation menu that appears.

The “Edit Static Routing Settings” screen appears.

Edit the static routing settings and click the Configure button.

The static routing configuration information is updated and the list is displayed.

Delete static routing configuration #

To delete registered static routing settings, you can either delete them individually from the operation menu of static routing settings, or you can delete them after selecting all static routing settings you wish to delete.

Delete individual static routing configurations

This method is to select Delete from the operation menu of the static routing configuration.

On the “Static Routing Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the static routing setting you wish to delete and select “Delete” from the operation menu that appears.

[Click the Delete button.

The static routing configuration is deleted.

Selecting and deleting multiple static routing configurations

This method is used to check the static routing settings to be deleted before deleting them. This is useful for deleting multiple static routing settings at once. You can also select a single static routing setting to delete.

On the “Static Routing Settings” screen, click the checkbox to the left of the static routing setting you wish to delete, place a checkmark in the checkbox, and click the Delete button.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

[Click the Delete button.

The selected static routing configuration is deleted.

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