Configure DHCP server settings

This section describes the operations for adding, editing, and deleting DHCP server settings.


Please note that the DHCP server cannot be enabled when the DHCP relay setting is enabled.

Display a list of DHCP server settings #

From the side menu, click Advanced Configuration and Control – DHCP Server Settings.

The “DHCP Server Settings” screen displays a list of DHCP server settings registered with the product.


By clicking tabs such as “Interface” and “Enable/Disable” in the DHCP server settings list, you can sort the DHCP server settings in descending/ascending order for each item.

Add DHCP server settings #

 「DHCPサーバー設定」画面で、[ 新規追加 ] ボタンをクリックします。

The “Add DHCP Server Settings” screen appears.

DHCP server settings.

AI edge gateway: wan0, br0 to br9
Edge gateway: eth0, br0 to br9
IoT router: eth0 to eth1, br0 to br9
Compact router: eth0
Compact router with wireless LAN: br0, wlan0 to wlan1

Set within the range of the subnet mask, and even within the range, no more than 256 cases can be set.

Domain names must be no longer than 253 characters. Domain names must begin and end with single-byte alphanumeric characters, and the rest of the domain name must consist of single-byte alphanumeric characters or “-” (hyphen) and “. (period).

The setting range is 1 to 86400 (seconds), with a default value of 60 to 86400 (seconds).

When settings are complete, click on “Configure”.

DHCP server settings are added.

Edit DHCP server settings #

Edit the registered DHCP server settings.

On the “DHCP Server Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the DHCP server setting you wish to edit and select [ Edit ] from the operation menu that appears.

The “Edit DHCP Server Settings” window appears.

Edit the DHCP server settings and click the Configure button.

The DHCP server configuration information will be updated and a list will be displayed.

Delete DHCP server settings #

There are two ways to delete registered DHCP server settings: individually from the DHCP server settings operation menu, or by selecting all DHCP server settings to be deleted and then deleting them.

Delete individual DHCP server settings

This method is to select Delete from the operation menu of the DHCP server settings.

On the “DHCP Server Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the DHCP server setting you wish to delete and select [ Delete ] from the operation menu that appears.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

Click the [ Delete ] button.

DHCP server settings are deleted.

Selecting and deleting multiple DHCP server settings

This is a method of deleting DHCP server settings after checking the checkboxes of the DHCP server settings you wish to delete. This is useful for deleting multiple DHCP server settings at once, or you can select a single DHCP server setting to delete.

On the “DHCP Server Settings” screen, click the checkbox to the left of the DHCP server setting you wish to delete, place a checkmark in the checkbox, and click the [ Delete ] button.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

[Click the Delete button.

The selected DHCP server setting is deleted.

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