Configure storage settings


IoT routers (amnimo R series) and compact routers (amnimo C series) do not have this feature.

Set the mount status of storage partitions and configure storage check settings.

View storage listings #

On the side menu, click Advanced Settings & Controls – Storage Settings.

The “Storage Settings” screen displays a list of storage settings registered with the product.


By clicking on tabs such as “Partition” or “File System” in the storage settings list, you can sort the storage settings in descending/ascending order for each item.

Add storage settings #

Add storage settings.

On the “Storage Settings” screen, click Add New.
On the “Add Storage Settings” screen, configure the necessary items.

[You can select a partition created in [Operational Information] – [Storage].

When “Confirm” is selected, only bad sectors are checked.
Select “Auto Repair” to repair minor errors.

Set the number of retries, interval, and number of restarts when the fsck/mount process fails.

When settings are complete, click on “Configure”.

Edit storage settings #

Edit the registered storage settings.

On the “Storage Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the partition you wish to edit and select [ Edit ] from the operation menu that appears.

The “Edit Storage Settings” screen appears.

Edit the settings and click Settings.

The information is updated and the list is displayed.

Delete storage settings #

There are two ways to delete registered storage settings: individually from each partition’s operation menu, or after selecting all storage settings to be deleted.

Delete individual storage settings

This method is to select Delete from the operation menu of each partition.

On the “Storage Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the storage setting you wish to delete and select [ Delete ] from the operation menu that appears.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

Click the [ Delete ] button.

Storage settings are deleted.

Delete multiple selections of storage settings

This method is used to check the storage settings you wish to delete before deleting them. This is useful for deleting multiple storage settings at once. You can also select a single storage setting to delete.

On the “Storage Settings” screen, click the checkbox to the left of the storage setting you wish to delete, place a checkmark in the checkbox, and click the [ Delete ] button.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

[Click the Delete button.

The selected storage settings will be deleted.

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