Nx Witness Setup.


IoT routers (amnimo R series) and compact routers (amnimo C series) do not have this feature.

Nx Witness settings for this product.
This section describes how to change, save, and restore Nx Witness settings.

View Nx Witness settings #

From the side menu, click Advanced Settings and Controls – Nx Witness Settings.

The “Nx Witness Settings” screen displays the current Nx Witness settings status.

Change Nx Witness settings #

On the “Nx Witness Settings” screen, edit items (1) through (3) below and click [ Settings ].

If NxWitness is activated while VMS settings are enabled (amnimo VMS is enabled), click [ Settings ] when the following message appears.

Information on Nx Witness settings will be updated.

Save Nx Witness settings #


To use this feature, the NxWitness password must have been properly set in advance. Please note that an error message will be displayed if the password is not set correctly.


On the “Nx Witness Settings” screen, click on [Nx Witnessの設定を保存].

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

[Click the [Save] button.

Nx Witness settings are saved and the last save date/time in the upper left corner of the screen is updated.

Load Nx Witness settings #

Loads saved Nx Witness settings.

On the “Nx Witness Settings” screen, click on [Nx Witnessの設定を復帰].

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

[Click the SAVE button.

Saved Nx Witness settings are loaded.

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