Set a schedule


Tabs that are not authorized in the group settings will not be displayed.

Schedules are categorized into “General,” “Keep-Alive,” and “User-Defined” schedule types.

View a list of schedules #

Displays the “Schedule Settings” screen for setting up a schedule.

From the side menu, click Advanced Settings and Controls, then Schedule Settings.

The “Schedule Settings” screen appears.

[Click on the General tab, Keep Alive tab or User Defined tab.

By clicking “Task Name”, “Enable/Disable”, “Time”, and “Action (or Command in case of [User Defined] tab)” in the schedule list, you can sort the schedule in descending/ascending order of each.

Add a schedule #

Add a new schedule.


The following procedure is explained using the “Add Keep-Alive Settings” screen.


On the “Schedule Settings” screen, click the General tab, Keep Alive tab, or User Defined tab, depending on the schedule type you wish to add.
Click the [ Add New ] button.

Depending on the schedule type, the “Add Schedule Settings” screen, “Add Keep-Alive Settings” screen or “Add User-Defined Settings” screen will appear.

Enter a task name.
Slide the toggle to set the schedule to active.
Sets the time at which the task is to be executed.
Set the action.

The actions that can be selected depend on the schedule type.

In the “Add User-Defined Configuration” window, enter the command you wish to execute.

For keep-alive type schedules, set the “ping control” setting.
Click the [ Settings ] button.

A schedule will be added.

Schedule setting items #

(data) itemContents
Task NameEnter a task name. Task names can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters in length.
Enable/DisableSlide the toggle left or right to enable or disable the task.
timeSpecifies the date and time of task execution.
actionSelect the task to be performed.
 Software rebootPerform a software reboot.
The following additional settings must be made

Reboot mode
Reboot mode must be selected.
normal: Software reboot is executed at the task execution date and time.
uptime: Software reboot is executed at the task execution date and time.
*From the most recent startup, the set startup elapsed time must have passed (until the
random: Execute software reboot when the set random execution time has elapsed from the task execution date and time
* The wait time here is a random number of seconds between 0 and the random execution time (in the range of 0 to 86399 seconds if 86400 is set).

Startup elapsed time (sec), Random execution time (sec)
When restart mode (uptime / random) is selected, set any time.
Startup elapsed time : 3600 to 604800
Random execution time : 60 to 86400

Check this box if you want to use it.

Specify the maximum number of times to reboot with failsafe. Reboot mode can only be selected when the schedule type is “General”.

The random and uptime options for restart mode are supported in firmware V1.11.0 or later.
 Hardware rebootPerform a hardware reboot.
The following additional settings must be made

Reboot mode
Reboot mode must be selected.
normal: Execute hardware reboot at the task execution date and time.
uptime: Execute hardware reboot at the task execution date and time.
*From the most recent startup, the configured startup elapsed time must have passed (until the
random: Execute hardware reboot when the set random execution time has elapsed from the task execution date and time
* The wait time here is a random number of seconds between 0 and the random execution time (in the range of 0 to 86399 seconds if 86400 is set).

Startup elapsed time (sec), Random execution time (sec)
When restart mode (uptime / random) is selected, set any time. Startup elapsed time : 3600 to 604800
Random execution time : 60 to 86400

Check this box if you want to use it.

Specifies the maximum number of times to reboot with fail-safe.
Reboot mode can only be selected when the schedule type is “General”.

The random and uptime options for restart mode are supported in firmware V1.11.0 or later.
 PoE resetPerform PoE power supply reset. The following additional settings must be made

Specifies the PoE interface name.

Enter the PoE power supply shutdown time.

IoT Router Indoor Type (AR10), Compact Router Indoor Type (AC10), and Compact Router Indoor Type with Wireless LAN (AC15) do not support PoE, so PoE reset is not shown.
 PPP line connectionConnect a PPP line.
The PPP interface must be selected.

This can only be selected when the schedule type is “General”.
 PPP line disconnectionDisconnect the PPP line.
 Mobile line connectionConnect a mobile line.
A mobile interface must be selected.

This can only be selected when the schedule type is “General”.
Devices without a communication module cannot be used even if set up.
Mobile line disconnectionDisconnect the mobile line.
A mobile interface must be selected.
Checking the “Power Control” checkbox resets the communication module when the mobile line is disconnected.

Devices without a communication module cannot be used even if set up.
 Wireless LAN reset Wireless LAN reset.

Reset mode
mode must be selected.
normal: Execute wireless LAN reset at the task execution date and time.
uptime: Execute wireless LAN reset at the task execution date and time.
*From the most recent startup, the set startup elapsed time must have passed (wireless LAN reset will not be executed).
random: Execute a wireless LAN reset when the set random execution time has elapsed from the task execution date and time.
* The wait time here is a random number of seconds between 0 and the random execution time (in the range of 0 to 86399 seconds if 86400 is set).

Startup elapsed time (sec), Random execution time (sec)
When restart mode (uptime / random) is selected, set any time. Startup elapsed time : 3600 to 604800
Random execution time : 60 to 86400

When the schedule type is “keep-alive”, the reset mode cannot be selected.
Only appears on compact routers with wireless LAN.
 IPsec disconnectionDisconnect IPSec. You must enter the name of the IPSec configuration. This can only be selected when the schedule type is “keep-alive” and when editing.
(computer) commandExecute any command you set.

Set only if the schedule type is “user-defined”.
Only appears on Edge Gateways, AI Edge Gateways, and IoT Routers.
ping controlConfigure ping request settings.

Set only if the schedule type is “keep-alive”.
 destinationEnter the host to which the ping request will be sent.
Multiple ping inputs can be set, separated by commas.

If multiple destinations are configured, the action is performed when a ping failure occurs on all destinations.
For Edge Gateway (AG10, AG20) and Compact Router with Wireless LAN (AC15, AC25), multiple destinations can be set by clicking the “Add” button.
 source IP addressEnter the IP address of the source of the ping request.
 source interfaceSpecifies the interface from which ping requests are sent.
 transmission intervalSpecifies the interval at which ping requests are sent.
 Transmission countSpecifies the maximum number of ping requests to be sent.
 Maximum execution timeSpecify the maximum ping execution time.
 time-outSets the timeout period for ping requests.
 Random waiting time before executionSets the random wait time before executing ping transmission.
 Random waiting time after destination switchoverSets the random wait time when switching ping destinations.
 fail-safeChecking the box enables fail-safe.
 restartSpecify the number of times to restart the system in fail-safe mode.
 retrySpecify the number of times to retry with fail-safe.

Edit Schedule #

Edit the registered schedule.

On the “Schedule Settings” screen, click the General tab, the Keep Alive tab, or the User Defined tab.
Click […] to the right of the schedule you wish to edit and select [ Edit ] from the menu of operations that appears.

The “Edit Schedule Settings” screen appears.

Edit the schedule information and click Configure.

The schedule is updated and a list of schedules is displayed.

Delete a schedule #

To delete a registered schedule, you can either delete it individually from the schedule’s operation menu, or you can delete it after selecting all the schedules you wish to delete.

Delete individual schedules

This is the method of selecting Delete from the schedule’s operation menu.

On the “Schedule Settings” screen, click the General tab, the Keep Alive tab, or the User Defined tab.
Click […] to the right of the schedule you wish to delete and select [ Delete ] from the operation menu that appears.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

Click the [ Delete ] button.

The schedule is deleted.

Selecting and Deleting Multiple Schedules

This method is used to delete a schedule after checking the checkboxes on the schedules you wish to delete. This is useful for deleting multiple schedules at once. You can also select a single schedule to delete.

On the “Schedule Settings” screen, click the General tab, the Keep Alive tab or the User Defined tab.
Click the checkbox to the left of the schedule you wish to delete, place a checkmark in the checkbox, and click the [ Delete ] button.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

Click the [ Delete ] button.

The selected schedule is deleted.

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