Set the time


Tabs that are not authorized in the group settings will not be displayed.

There are two ways to set the time: manually or by using an NTP server.

Display the time setting screen #

Displays the “Time Setting” screen for setting the time manually.

Click on the side menu [ Advanced Settings and Controls ] – [ Time Settings ].

The “Time Setting” screen appears.

Manually set the time #

Manual time setting can be performed on the Manual Settings tab of the “Time Settings” screen. You can choose to synchronize the time with the time of the PC from which you are accessing the system, manually query an external NTP server to adjust the time, or manually enter the time.

Synchronize with PC time

On the “Time Settings” screen, click the “Manual Settings” tab.
Select “PC Sync.”
[Click Settings.

The time is set.

Manually synchronize with NTP server

On the Manual Settings tab of the “Time Settings” screen, select “NTP Synchronization.

Edge gateways (AG10, AG20) and compact routers with wireless LAN (AC15, AC25) are marked “NTP synchronization (synchronized only once)”.

Enter the host name (FQDN) or IP address of the NTP server to be synchronized.
[Click Settings.

A query is made to the NTP server and the time is set.

    Enter time manually

    On the Manual Settings tab of the “Time Settings” screen, select “Enter Time”.
    Enter the date and time.

    Click on the calendar icon and click on the date in the calendar that appears to set the date.

    [Click Settings.

    The time is set.

    Periodic synchronization with NTP server #

    This section describes how to periodically obtain time information from an NTP server to adjust the time of this product.
    Manual time setting can be performed on the NTP Settings tab of the “Time Settings” screen.

    On the “Time Settings” screen, click the “NTP Settings” tab.
    Slide the toggle to set time synchronization by NTP server to enable.
    Enter the interface to be synchronized with the NTP server.
    • You can either type directly or click on the interface and select from the drop-down list.
    • Multiple interfaces cannot be specified.
    • The interfaces that can be specified vary depending on the model used.
      AI Edge Gateway:
      wan0, lan0~lan3, br0~9, ecm0~ecm9, ppp0~ppp9, tun0~tun9, tap0~tap9
      Edge Gateway:
      eth0, lan0~lan3, br0~9, ecm0~ecm9, ppp0~ppp9, tun0~tun9, tap0~tap9
      IoT routers:
      eth0~eth1, br0~br9, ecm0~ecm9, ppp0~ppp9, tun0~tun9, tap0~tap9
      Compact routers:
      eth0, rmnet _data0
      Compact routers with wireless LAN:
      lan0 to lan1, br0, rmnet_data0, ppp0, wlan0 to wlan1
    Set the following (1) to (2).
    [Click Settings.

    NTP time synchronization is configured.

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