Set up your account

This section describes how to add, edit, and delete accounts.

View a list of accounts #

On the side menu, click Advanced Settings & Controls – Account Settings.

The “Account Settings” screen displays a list of accounts registered with the product.


Accounts can be sorted in descending/ascending order by user or group name by clicking on “User Name” and “Group Name” in the account list.

Add an account #

Add a new account.

On the “Account Settings” screen, click the [ Add New ] button.

The “Add Account Settings” screen will appear.

Set the following items (1) to (4) and click the [ Setup ] button.

Two groups, admin and user, are available at the factory, but new groups can also be created. See ” Configuring Group Settings ” for information on setting up groups.

An account will be added.

Edit your account #

Edit the information of the registered account.

On the “Account Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the account you wish to edit and select [ Edit ] from the operation menu that appears.

The “Edit Account Settings” screen will appear.

Edit the account information and click the Settings button.

On the screen, the password is displayed in encrypted form.
If you want to change your password, you must erase everything and re-enter it.

The account information will be updated and a list of accounts will be displayed.

Delete account #

There are two ways to delete registered accounts: individually from the account operation menu, or by selecting all accounts you wish to delete and then deleting them.


It is not possible to delete the admin account, which is set by default.
A group to which a user belongs cannot be deleted.

Delete individual accounts

This is how to select Delete from the account operations menu.

On the “Account Settings” screen, click […] to the right of the account you wish to delete and select [ Delete ] from the operation menu that appears.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

Click the [ Delete ] button.

The account will be deleted.

Select multiple accounts to delete

This method is used to delete accounts after checking the accounts you wish to delete. This is useful for deleting multiple accounts at once. You can also select a single account to delete.

On the “Account Settings” screen, click the checkbox to the left of the account you wish to delete, place a checkmark in the checkbox, and click the [ Delete ] button.

The “Confirmation” screen appears.

Click the [ Delete ] button.

The selected account will be deleted.

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