Check equipment information

Device information, firmware version, and SIM information for this product can be viewed on the “Device Information” screen.


The items displayed will vary depending on the permissions of the group settings.

Display and operate device information #

Displays device information.

Click on “Equipment Information” on the side menu.

The “Device Information” screen appears.
For details on the information displayed, see ” Items Displayed on the Device Information Screen “.

To view the latest device information, click the [ Refresh ] button.

Equipment information is updated.

Update mobile module information #

The mobile module information can be viewed and updated from the “Device Information” screen.

Scroll down on the “Device Information” screen to view the “Mobile Module Information.
If the mobile module information is not reflected correctly, you can update the display by clicking the “Update Mobile Module Information” button.

Updating the mobile module information will also update all SIM information.

Update SIM information #

SIM information can be checked and updated from the “Equipment Information” screen.

Scroll down the “Device Information” screen and click [ SIM Information ] of the mobile module displayed in the “Mobile Module Information” section.

The “SIM Information” screen appears.

To view the latest SIM information, click the “Update SIM Information” button.
  • SIM information may not be up-to-date. Please check the latest SIM information after updating the SIM information. if you update the SIM information while the ecm0 interface is enabled, an error message will appear. In that case, go to the “Interface Settings” screen and click on
  • After setting ecm0 to disabled (Reference: Edit Interface), update the SIM information and re-set ecm0 in the “Interface Settings” screen again.

Note that if you are accessing this device via ecm0, you will not be able to access it if ecm0 is disabled.

SIM information is updated.

Items displayed on the device information screen #

This section describes the items displayed on the “Device Information” screen.

No.(data) itemDescription.
Equipment InformationThe following device information is displayed.
Manufacturing Organization
Series Name
Serial Number
Date of Manufacture
FW VersionThe firmware information of the product will be displayed.
For information on how to update the firmware, please refer to ” Working with Firmware “.
startup areaThe number (0 or 1) of the startup area of the currently activated redundant area is displayed.
Mobile Module InformationThe following mobile module information is displayed
If multiple mobile modules are connected, they may appear across multiple pages.

Mobile module number
Displays the mobile module number.

Displays the IMEI of the mobile module.

The ICCID (IC Card Identifier: Individual Identification Number) of the SIM or eSIM is displayed.

If MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber ISDNNumber: phone number) is set in the SIM or eSIM, “msisdn MSISDN” will be displayed. MSISDN may not be set depending on the contract.

SIM Information
Click to view SIM information.
For SIM information, see ” Updating SIM Information “.

FW Version
Displays the firmware version of the mobile module.
*Displayed only on compact routers (amnimo C series).
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