Tenant Management

This section describes the structure of the tenant management screen and the functions and operations performed by the tenant administrator.

Role of the tenant manager #

Tenant TypeCreating SubtenantsEdit Administrator Informationdevice transferApplication SelectionMember ManagementTenant Deletion
Top tenantsperiod×period× x Memoperiodperiod
Two-tier sub-tenantsperiodperiodperiod× x Memoperiodperiod
Three-level sub-tenants×periodperiod× x Memoperiodperiod

[Device Transfer and Member Management can operate on tenants and subordinate sub-tenants under your control.

You cannot select an application for yourself.
The selection and deletion of applications is configured by a higher level administrator (Amnimo for the highest level) accessing the configuration screen of a lower level administrator.

Edit Tenant #

Only the tenant administrator can edit it.
Please note that the e-mail address is used as an account and cannot be changed.

Open the Overview tab and edit the item you want to change
When editing is complete, click the Update button at the bottom of the screen to finalize the content.

Create a new sub-tenant #

New tenants (sub-tenants) can be created under a managed tenant.
The procedure for creating a subtenant is as follows

Click on the icon to the right of the tenant name ( + ) and then click on the text “Create New Subtenant” to open the creation window.
Follow the guide in the text.

Enter the subtenant’s administrator information in the Contacts field.

Enter the address and the rest as desired, and finally click the [ Create ] button.
If you have received an email invitation, follow the instructions in the email to register your account.

Deletion of sub-tenants #

The tenant manager can delete sub-tenants.
Note that if a device has been granted to the relevant tenant or if a sub-tenant exists at a lower level, it cannot be deleted.
In such cases, it is necessary to transfer the granted devices to the upper tenants, delete the lower sub-tenants, etc.

Open the menu (…) icon on the far right of the subtenant you wish to delete and click Delete.
Click Yes on the confirmation screen to complete deletion of the subtenant.
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